Shopify Website, a premium dog bed retailer, sought to enhance their online presence with a Shopify-based e-commerce platform. The objectives were multifaceted, focusing on on-page SEO and speed optimization to improve user experience and search engine rankings.

Project Overview


Platform: Shopify

Objective, a premium dog bed retailer, sought to enhance their online presence with a Shopify-based e-commerce platform. The objectives were multifaceted, focusing on on-page SEO and speed optimization to improve user experience and search engine rankings. Additionally, the client required custom sections within product pages, tailored to showcase specific features for particular products, thereby enhancing product presentation and customer engagement.

Bully Beds | Tech Old Hand

Our Approach

1. Shopify Platform Customization: Leveraging the flexibility of Shopify, we tailored the e-commerce platform to suit the unique needs of This included custom theme modifications to align with the brand’s aesthetic and functional requirements.

2. Custom Sections on Product Pages: A key feature of our project was the development of custom sections for product pages. This functionality allowed us to create unique content blocks for specific products, which could include detailed product information, images, videos, and customer testimonials. These sections were designed to be easily updateable through the Shopify admin, giving the client the flexibility to adjust content as needed.

3. On-Page SEO Optimization: We conducted thorough keyword research and optimized the site’s content, including titles, meta descriptions, and product descriptions. We also implemented schema markup to enhance search engine visibility and click-through rates.

4. Speed Optimization: Understanding the critical role of site speed in e-commerce success, we optimized images, utilized lazy loading, and minimized CSS and JavaScript files. These steps were crucial in achieving faster loading times, improving both user experience and SEO.

5. Mobile Optimization: With a significant portion of traffic coming from mobile devices, we ensured the website was fully optimized for mobile, providing a seamless shopping experience across all devices.


Enhanced Product Presentation: The custom sections within product pages allowed for a more engaging and informative presentation of BullyBeds’ products, leading to increased customer engagement and higher conversion rates.

Improved Site Performance: Post-optimization, experienced a notable improvement in site speed and performance metrics, contributing to a decrease in bounce rates and an increase in average session duration.

SEO Success: Our on-page SEO efforts resulted in improved search engine rankings for key product-related keywords, driving more organic traffic to the site.

Positive Customer Feedback: The client reported positive feedback from customers who appreciated the enhanced product information and the improved overall shopping experience.


Our work with demonstrates our capability to not only customize Shopify platforms to meet specific e-commerce needs but also to significantly improve site performance and user engagement through strategic optimizations. By creating custom sections for product pages, we were able to provide a unique and informative shopping experience, setting apart in the competitive online retail space.


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